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Q&A with Margaret Sitawa 

“Consider the lilies" love it! Tell me about this. 

Thanks. I chose this for my blog's tagline because it emphasizes the need not to worry. It is from the Bible. Worrying does not change anything but we still can't help it. So the next best thing is reminding ourselves every day. If the beauty of lilies compares to nothing else yet they don't toil, we as humans are capable of much more.

Would you be kind enough to introduce yourself? 

My name is Sitawa. Proud Kenyan. I'm a poet by passion and a web designer, content writer, and admin assistant by profession. My dream as a child was to be beautiful and I have experienced that fulfillment in many ways. I love music, food, and swimming, and am a staunch believer in individuality. We all walk different roads in this life.

What does love mean to you? 

Love to me is the reason things and people are the way they are. What we do is done out of love. Whether it is love for ourselves, loved ones, material possessions, or the environment around us, we live in love. Love is the choice we make every day, our actions, and our reactions to life.  

What does spirituality mean to you? 

Spirituality to me is the belief that life is more than physical. It is the realization that we are more than our bodies and minds. There is a power within us, a spirit that needs constant care, growth, and nourishment just like everything else in our lives.

Who is your favorite poet?  

My favorite poet is M.T Pariti. He is a poet who I met on Medium. His pieces greatly resonate with me and I love his unique style of writing. Every time he delivers creative, thought-provoking, and educative poems.

What are your future plans?  

I live in the moment, trying as much as possible to put my all into the day. Still, there are things I would like to accomplish. I hope to write many poetry books, as many as 50+. To finally become a professional dancer and commercial model. I hope to get married and to inspire as many people as possible that they already carry the real power within themselves using my work.

Where can readers find you? 

Readers can find me at Feel free to reach out to me for comments, suggestions, and collaboration using my contact information from the site. 


Author Bio: Margaret Sitawa is a Kenyan blogger, poet and web designer. She is also a published author. Her first book Sibuor; An African Love story received raving reviews. She hopes to inspire, educate and challenge using her poetry.


Q&A with Lynne E. Marino

One of the most exciting things in the Publishing industry is meeting interesting people who are talented authorsand write intriguing stories.

After reading The Cha-cha Affair by Lynne E. Marino, I had a few questions about her story and the characters.

About The Cha-cha Affair

Stephanie Ledger isn’t a Scottsdale princess anymore. Her messy, never-ending divorce has left her with an empty upscale house, and an even emptier bank account. She swears that she doesn’t want another man in her life-ever, until she meets Joe Schmidt at a ballroom dance class, and the sparks begin to fly.
The more time Joe spends with Stephanie, the more he wants their fledgling partnership—on and off the dance floor—to be something more. Unfortunately, he works for the IRS and they are investigating her soon-to-be-ex-husband’s finances, and Stephanie herself. Joe knows that if she ever finds out, he’s toast.
Still determined that she’ll never fall in love again, Stephanie ropes Joe into a riotous caper to get some leverage on her lying, lecherous husband in the hopes of finally bringing her divorce to a close. The duo dance their way in and out of trouble, and into each other’s heart, until Stephanie discovers what Joe has been hiding. But will she also discover what everyone around them already knows? While the two of them together may be annoying and imperfect, they are also annoyingly perfect for one another.


1) Stephanie is a strong woman who didn’t give up and moved on with her life. How can someone overcome betrayal and leave everything behind?

1) I tried to write Stephanie as someone who was determined not to waste the rest of her life focusing on what she didn’t have, and to move forward and set a better example for her son. In the course of that, she finds her own strength as well.

2) Fear of financial insecurity is a common reason to stay in a bad marriage. Isn’t it sometimes better to walk away than to stay and not to be afraid?

2) I would say so. I think ultimately you feel better about yourself, and that’s a more powerful message to send to your children than having a lot of money. Again, Stephanie was more concerned about being a positive role model for her son than she was about having a lot of “stuff”.

3) After a bad marriage/divorce do we have to fear new people who come into our lives even if we are annoyingly perfect for one another?

3) I don’t know about being afraid, but I think cautious is a good idea. My character, Stephanie, is very concerned about not making the same mistakes she made before, although she was much younger when she married the first time. She felt a great deal of pressure to do what her mother wanted and gave very little time to thinking about what she wanted.

4) Staying in unhappy marriage VS divorce, which one is the true tragedy?

4) I would say staying in an unhappy marriage, but that is a much easier decision for a woman to make if she has the wherewithal to be financially independent. For example, most of my mother’s generation didn’t have and weren’t allowed those opportunities, so should I judge them by the values we, as women, have today? I don’t think so. Perhaps the “right” thing to do back then was to stay in a miserable marriage for the sake of your children’s health, safety, and future.

5) Toxic partners, what do you think?

5) Run! That’s what I think.

6) “Till death do us part…” what’s next? How difficult was it for Joe to make dreams again and start over?

6) Committing himself to starting over, at least for Joe, was the last step in letting go of his first marriage. That, in and of itself, felt like a betrayal of his love for his first wife, even though she encouraged him to do so before she died. And that is love.

7) Stephanie had her best friend by her side during her adventure, what’s the role of a good friend while experiencing bad times?

7) If you’re lucky enough to have a friend like Stephanie’s buddy Peg, you have someone who loves and understands you even when you don’t love and understand yourself.

8) What does family mean to you?

8) Family. They are the people who have your back, but will also take you aside and privately read you the riot act when you need to hear it. But, they will never dress you down in public.

9) Tell me a few things about you.

9) I try hard to see things from many perspectives. Both sides of my family majored in humor and taught me to use it as a source for coping with life, especially when it kicks you around. I love to read about history, particularly the Romans. I have a book of ancient jokes I often read to remind myself that although times have changed, they really haven’t. Yes, technology and engineering have advanced, but humans… not so much.

10) Where can readers find your books?

10) Right now, exclusively on Amazon. Here are the links:

The Cha-cha Affair

Five Things

Q&A with Chariss K. Walker

One of the most exciting things in the Publishing industry is meeting interesting people who are talented authors and write intriguing stories.

After reading Letting go of Pain by Chariss K. Walker, I had a few questions about her book.

About Letting go of Pain

A simple reminder that we must let go in order to move forward. This book shares many ideas and concepts to help you let go of a painful past and rid yourself of the weight of those burdens. Allow yourself to move forward towards your current hopes and dreams. Plus, a bonus excerpt from A Beginner's Guide to Releasing Trapped Emotions (Going Deeper, Book 1).
Chariss K. Walker, M.Msc., an award-winning author, writes fiction and nonfiction books with a metaphysical message. All of her books are sold worldwide in eBook, paperback, and many are in large print. To learn more about the author, visit her website:


1. When we talk about consciousness what do we mean? What is consciousness?

1. Well, Angelo, when I talk about consciousness, I am referring to those thoughts and feelings that are hidden or buried deep within our body, mind, and soul. They surface at times, and we briefly consider them. If they are painful, we push them away. Unfortunately, beautiful thoughts and feelings rarely surface as memories. I suppose that is the human condition.

2. Is it possible to seek a personal journey without letting go of pain?

2. I believe that seeking a personal journey is a great step toward letting go of the pain. Seeking a personal or spiritual journey is a desire to grow, to stretch our wings, to open to life and spirit, and to discover who we are and why we are the way we are.

3. Persistence VS Patience, which one is more difficult?

3. Persistence is to keep at it, to keep trying.
Patience is to not give up when we don't immediately get the results we hoped to get.

4. We all want a healthy life, where should we stay focused?

4. Angelo, I believe that being conscientious is the best place to start. We all desire to do what is right, what is best for us. And, I believe that, with time, we become more conscious and more aware of how our actions affect others and our world. Awareness can be fine-tuned. For example, we can become aware of each bite of food that we eat, each sip of beverage that we drink, each aroma that we smell, each landscape we view, each hug or handshake we give or receive. Did you notice that I used the five senses?

5. What’s the meaning of family?

5. In the past, the family unit usually consisted of at least one parent and his or her children. Now, in our modern world, the meaning has changed... a lot. A family unit can be any group of people who desires to share food, shelter, and resources.
Some of us who have had difficult birth families – the parents and siblings that we were born into have found family or like-minded brothers and sisters wherever we could. I suppose it is safe to say that any group of people who care about the welfare of those individuals and desire to be a family is considered family.

6. Why is it difficult to come across unconditional acceptance?

6. I believe that question has a simple answer: We cannot unconditionally accept anyone unless we unconditionally accept ourselves.
That expands as we grow. Once we learn to love ourselves, we have love to give others. Once we learn to forgive ourselves, we have forgiveness for others. Once we learn to accept and love ourselves, we can love and accept others. We must apply the same love, acceptance, and forgiveness to ourselves before we have anything left to give to others.

7. Trapped Emotions VS personality development, what do you think?

7. There is little doubt in my mind that Trapped Emotions affect our personality. Trapped emotions cause painful spots or hot spots that when touched by another can cause a fiery reaction. For example, perhaps I have suffered from the emotion of abandonment. You might verbally poke me on that part of me that feels insecure about my job or family which in turn stirs up that feeling of desertion. In response, my reaction might be over the top, leaving you to wonder what you said.
Taking it a step further, if that Trapped Emotion is not released, it can cause dis-ease or ill-ness in my body, specifically in my heart or small intestine. It can also cause me a lot of trouble in society.

8. Tell me a few things about you.

8. I have over thirty-five years of experience helping others. In 2001, I earned the highest degree as a Reiki Master/Teacher and I went on to earn a Masters of Metaphysical Sciences in 2008. I was also awarded an honorary Doctorate in Divinity for a published work, Make a Joyful Noise: Searching for a Spiritual Path in a Material World, 2008. After working with others for many years in individual and classroom healing work I understood that I could reach far more by sharing those teaching methods in books than I could ever reach in the classroom setting. So, I began to share my teaching classes in book and eBook format. It has always been my desire to help others. Although I understand that my methods and teachings are not for everyone, it is my deepest desire that those who are ready for the information I share will find my published works at the perfect time for them.
I also write fiction books. In those, there is usually a character who struggles with his or her own acceptance of some metaphysical aspect of their lives such as dreams, visions, or some other spiritual gift. Although I admit that I write about some very dark topics, such as sexual abuse, it is to raise awareness of the struggles that someone must deal with and overcome to find health and peace in their lives. It is to show the reader that they are not alone.

9. Where can readers find you and your books?

9. Readers can find me on the following sites:
My website –

My nonfiction newsletter -

Q&A with A.B. Funkhauser

One of the most exciting things in the Publishing industry is meeting interesting people who are talented authors and write intriguing stories.

After reading Unapologetic Lives Series by A.B. Funkhauser, I had a few questions about her story and the characters.

About Unapologetic Lives Series

Heuer Lost and Found (Book 1)

Unrepentant cooze hound lawyer Jürgen Heuer dies suddenly and unexpectedly in his litter-strewn home. Undiscovered, he rages against God, Nazis, deep fryers and analogous women who disappoint him.
At last found, he is delivered to Weibigand Brothers Funeral Home, a ramshackle establishment peopled with above average eccentrics, including boozy Enid, a former girlfriend with serious denial issues. With her help and the help of a wisecracking spirit guide, Heuer will try to move on to the next plane. But before he can do this, he must endure an inept embalming, feral whispers, and Enid’s flawed recollections of their murky past.

Scooter Nation (Book 2)

Aging managing director Charlie Forsythe begins his work day with a phone call to Jocasta Binns, the unacknowledged illegitimate daughter of Weibigand Brothers Funeral Home founder Karl-Heinz Sr. Alma Wurtz, a scooter-bound sextenarian, community activist, and neighborhood pain in the ass is emptying her urine into the flower beds, killing the petunias. Jocasta shuts him down. A staff meeting has been called and things are about to change.

Shell Game (Book 3)

Carlos the Wonder Cat lives free, traveling from house to house in a quiet suburban neighborhood. Known by everyone, his idyllic existence is threatened when a snarky letter from animal control threatens to punish kitty owners who fail to keep their pets indoors. The $5,000 fine / loss of kitty to THE MAN is draconian and mean, but before Team Carlos can take steps, he is kidnapped by a feline fetishist sex cult obsessed with the films of eccentric Pilsen Güdderammerüng. Stakes are high. Even if Carlos escapes their clutches, can he ever go home?


1) Morality VS Darkness, which one is more powerful?

1) That is a trick question. Both are evenly balanced in terms of the harm and the help each can do. Morality, backed by the rule of law grown and curated by the people it governs, enshrines and protects, whereas, Darkness begets wisdom if knowledge is gained and the receiver of said knowledge in their wisdom moves forward into the light.
I can turn all this on its head if you like.
Morality, settled in the hands of a few, will corrupt and pollute, whereas, Darkness begets ignorance when knowledge is lost, and then those, in their loss, move backward into unspeakable places.

2) Life chooses us, what’s your opinion?

2) “Freedom” is a trap. We make choices based on what we know. The value of what we know is determined by the quality of the sources that feed us —the www, 24-hour news, the guy across the street. These sources, severally, can be called “society”. In totality, it is “life”. Are we really in there?

3) Should we fear death?

3) Never. It’s a waste of precious life time. Death will come, and if we do things right, we won’t mind.

4) What is the lesson we should all learn in this life?

4) My lesson is different from yours and the person next to you and so on. The closer I get to the answer, the less I know. I try to be kind. I try not to be a jerk. I keep trying.

5) What does family mean to you?

5) I love them and I owe it to them to do better. The ones that came before me set the course. My job is to adjust that course for the ones that come after me.

6) Tell me a few things about you.

6) -I am drawn to curious people and things.
-I love and fear science fiction because it usually comes true.
-I get my fiction from non-fiction. I couldn’t make this stuff up.
-I am a dedicated optimist, although I often hide it because sunniness annoys serious people.
-I do not support cancel culture, buffoonery or navel-gazing
-I love amusement parks and the people amused by them.

7) Where can readers find your books?

7) You can find the books here:

Or, if you’d like to know me better, check in here:

Q&A with Linda Lingle

One of the most exciting things in the Publishing industry is meeting interesting people who are talented authors and write intriguing stories.

After reading Dear Heart by Linda Lingle, I had a few questions about her story and the characters.

1) Don’t you think Frank and many other people like Frank should know the truth about their parents?

That’s a good question and one that’s not easily answered. To me, all things are relative, so I believe that everyone has a right to know who their parents are, as long as no one is hurt by that knowledge. In the book, if Frank had known who his father was while Deirdre, Lee and Bill were still alive, it would have made for a much different story. The conflict would have centered on Frank and his struggles to reconcile his feelings about his paternity, and that’s not the story I wanted to tell. As it was, when Frank found out Lee was his father, he reacted badly, and it wasn’t until his wife intervened that he understood that Deirdre and Lee made an enormous sacrifice in not telling him the truth.

2) Tell me a few things about Bill, he loved Frank and never said anything, I have mixed feelings. What do you think about him and for people like Bill?

I love Bill’s character. Bill is the quintessential good guy. He’s not a romantic, like Lee, but he is stalwart and steady and dependable and, most importantly, Bill understands that things are not always black or white; he’s able to see the shades of grey – the nuances in any situation. That is why he was able to stay with (and continue to love) Deirdre, even after he realized she had had an affair, and why he accepted Frank as his son unconditionally. That being said, I also love Lee’s character. You don’t learn much about Lee in Dear Heart, but he’s a good guy too, and his story is heart-wrenching. If you thought Lee was an interloper and somewhat of a villain in Dear Heart, I guarantee that you’ll change your mind about him when you read Sweet Heart.

3) Lovers and secret lives, why?

Deirdre and Lee became lovers because they craved physical intimacy, which was non-existent in their marriages, and their souls recognized that in each other when they met. They maintained a secret life because they wanted to be together, but they didn’t want Bill or Lee’s daughters to be hurt by their affair.

4) Why did the lovers have to wait for so long to reunite?

Since they didn’t want anyone to be hurt by their relationship, they had to wait until Deirdre’s husband and Lee’s wife passed away. At that point, and with their children grown, their responsibilities to their families were fulfilled and they could finally be together.

5) What is love?

Love is the all-consuming desire to be with the person who sets you on fire, physically, emotionally and/or intellectually.

6) Tell me a few things about you.

I’m probably a cross between Deirdre and Denise. I’m a risk-taker like Deirdre but I’m not as refined and well-spoken as she is. My personality is more like Denise’s. As a writer, I ascribe to the philosophy that writing is 90% inspiration and 10% perspiration, which goes against everything any successful writer will tell you, but there it is.

7) Where can readers find you and your books?

The best place to find out about me and my books is on my website: LindaLingleBooks. In addition to a wealth of information about Dear Heart and Sweet Heart, there are a few of my short stories on the site, as well as information about my works in progress.

Buy the book!

One of the most exciting things in the Publishing industry is meeting interesting people who are talented authors and write intriguing stories.

After reading Proof of Life after Death by Vanayssa Somers, I had a few questions about her amazing book.

1) Proof of Life after Death, I loved the book and the title. Is it possible for your Oversoul to reach you in this dimension?

Hello Angelo. Sure is nice to hear from you! And a pleasure to talk about the metaphysical issues in life.

Metaphysical is to some extent another word for our modern day use of the word ‘spiritual’. It is a fascinating study, and dates back to the truly ancient East Indian studies and other cultures, Tibetan, Asian, for example. Did you ever read something which instantly set your mind and soul on fire and you could not get enough of it? That’s metaphysics for me.

As far as your question goes, yes, our Oversoul does reach us in this dimension for sure. If you read Curtis Loys Jackson’s book ‘A Handbook for Cosmic Consciousness’ and read one of the essays in the latter part of the 2nd edition, for example on page 223 of the paperback edition, you will find a discussion of this topic. The Oversoul dwells in the far off future, this is true, and is of course ourselves, perfected. We are, in 2020, in the Past. The far past, in fact. We are just beginning the last of three Dark Ages. If you wonder why life is so difficult, this is why. By the time this current Age is over, we will have entered what Jackson calls the Mental Ages, a time of much brighter, more fulfilling life, but one we must patiently work toward at this time. On our shoulders is the burden of continuing to lay the foundation for a fabulous future for our species.

The Oversoul, from its place in the Future, looks back upon our lives continually. Their work is to continue to assist us in our lives and find those in the Past who are ready to go forward with understanding of metaphysical issues. Each person’s life is one facet of the Oversoul’s complex personality, and each life is vitally important to Oversoul. Let’s call them TTO, for Time Travelling Oversoul, it’s easier to type!

If you were to take away one minute of one lifetime from the thousands of lifetimes that went before, your TTO would not be the same person, and might not even exist. So every minute of every life is vital to the eventual perfection of this soul.

As a result, our TTO, who is very real person, oversees our lifetimes and the thousands of lifetimes that went before, and those that will occur after us, for the TTO exists thousands of years in the future.

As they look back on the countless lifetimes that belong to that TTO and their evolution, they are looking for those who are ready to learn some new material and evolve further. That is when you are ready, and of course nothing really tells you that you have evolved to a certain point, but suddenly something happens. You will look back in wonder at a certain moment when a certain thought occurred to you to do some specific thing.

For example, I was sweeping the floor one day when I thought, I wonder if there are any good books out there yet on Time Travel. Of course, we are all thrilled with the idea of travelling through time, and I was thinking of the kind of time travel where we actually could travel to the past and change something. Wouldn’t we all like to do that?

I went to Amazon and discovered Curtis Loys Jackson’s book A Course in Time Travel. When I finally got the book, I found it was not about travelling through time to change our decisions, but about our own time-travelling journey through the Ages as we evolve and move through different lifetimes and experiences that shape and change our spiritual nature.

As I tried to read it, I was stuck. I had absolutely no awareness of words like ‘dimension’ or ‘consciousness’. As a retired nurse, I thought of consciousness in terms of shining a light into someone’s pupils to check their level of consciousness with a different meaning. Dimensions, well, of course I thought only of feet and inches.

I continued to be stuck. I read it over and over, struggling with the concepts, and with no one to explain anything to me. This small book was written by a Master of metaphysics, and for a total novice, a more simple introduction was needed. Since those days, I have been surprised to find that many young people somehow or other have gathered enough of this esoteric knowledge to make them able to read the book and have a fair understanding of it. I am not sure how they have managed that. But times are different now.

Eventually, I contacted the author and was treated to an individual training by email which has gone on to this day. I must admit, for I am an ordinary person, that I still struggle with some concepts. It’s a case of broadening our understanding, and only effort and time can clarify many things for us.

For example, the TTOs live not in linear time, as our lifetimes are lived, but in universal or nonlinear time. They live in a state of past, present, future all at once and are comfortable with that. That’s why they can be where and who they are and look back, checking on their previous lifetimes, watching and considering where and when to carefully intervene to move someone forward a little.

Now you will say, oh wait. So the TTO is a highly evolved person who lives thousands of years from here in nonlinear time. You say every moment of any of our lives matters and cannot be changed without affecting the TTO themselves. Yet, you say that the TTO looks back upon the thousands of lifetimes that went before to evolve to the point of their existence, and they search through those lifetimes to find moments when they can insert some event that will help draw someone forward. So both those things can’t be true! They can’t not change the lifetimes and still change them!

The moments when the TTO inserts a new experience or thought into the life of one of their facet lifetimes, those moments are in the Past for the TTO. The TTO and all of us, eventually, exist in nonlinear time where past, present future are all one. Everything happening at once, forever. Learning to grasp the concept of universal or nonlinear time is one of the many endless tasks we as students must embark upon. It is not learned in a day. When they change some small event for us to advance more quickly, that is in their Past. We are all facets of our particular TTO, one of thousands. When they place something in our own Present, it is automatically in their Past, and in nonlinear time. It remains there.

I won’t say more about that right now, in order to answer your specific question better. At least, I hope so. I will say that I am in the early stages of grappling with the concept of nonlinear time.

From my own experience, I can say that the actual Person who is my highly evolved Oversoul has made direct contact with me at least twice. I talk about those moments in the book.

For each student, those experiences will be different and immeasurably precious. And will also only deepen the mystery even further even as they enlighten.

2) Knowledge VS experiences, which is more important to discover our Oversoul?

The first thing a student must do in order to attract their TTO’s attention, is set out to learn. To work patiently to gather understanding. To develop and enhance their own burning curiosity. At some point in that effort, their TTO, who is always checking their own past lifetimes for opportunities to enhance and assist, will become aware of the student’s struggle and will be delighted, jumping in to help, although the student is not aware of this. How do you develop your curiosity? Well you know that not everyone is as equally curious about life as the next person. Depending on our evolution over lifetimes, we may be happy to just meander along on life’s highway, getting through our days without much curiosity as to our origins and our purpose. But if you are a person who is harassed in life by a desperate need to know why we are here, why is it so difficult, why do we matter, if you are lucky enough to be done of those, you will attract the attention of your Oversoul.

So you can see, in answer to your question, the hunger for knowledge is linked to experience constantly. If you get a book that strikes fire in your soul, like Jackson’s works, or like Helena Blavatsky’s works or other ancient and modern teachers, then your mind is sending out messages to your TTO and you don’t even know it. They hear the signal and respond. What I appreciate so much about Jackson’s books is that he wrote in an effort to arouse the curiosity of those who were ready for it. So you start off reading it and saying “What?? I don’t understand any of this!” and you are frustrated and indignant and wonder where to get more knowledge. That very state of mind attracts the attention of your Oversoul. They step in with great pleasure! They begin creating situations that help bring understanding to the struggling student. It is breakthrough time and as the ancients have always said, When the student is ready, the teacher appears!

The thirst that drives you further up the mountain to find the cool springs that satisfy, that thirst is felt in the soul of your Higher Power, and they instantly begin to move toward you. After all, they are you! Long ago! Living in nonlinear time, they can gaze upon their own thousands of past lifetimes continually, living in their own consciousness in memory of all detail.

3) Could we come across people who have passed away?

Are you referring to those who return from the future to help increase evolution here in this time? I know people who claim to be exactly that, but I have no way of knowing if they really are or not. I am sure there are people who are from the future, often are walk-ins into existing bodies, or are born into families where they are possibly a poor fit and have arrived to begin a long and hard road in this dark time to try to increase the light a little more quickly. I am told that some disappear and never return to the future. Have you read the novel TimeLine? I think it’s a Michael Crichton book. About these folk who enter the past into the days of Knights and Kings and there is one fellow who likes the lifestyle so much he won’t go back to the future world he came from. We always remember really good time-travel books. It reflects our deep desire to change past decisions I guess. There is nothing like hindsight to show us the way we should have gone. So far, we yearn in vain but who knows? It’s very possible that we will time travel eventually and it may not be so far off.

4) When do you believe it’s the best time of our life to start discovering the answers on afterlife?

I think it varies. I know that people who come from very painful and difficult backgrounds sometimes begin an early search for the answers to afterlife questions. There is in some an appetite for knowledge of Creator, or God, a hunger based on yearning for the love that comes from Source and nowhere else, or at least, they feel that. That hunger can start very early if the childhood is barren and harsh, depending on the potential of the child. But we have all heard of poets and writers who began an early search for the spiritual answers and who came from peaceful and perhaps academic homes, and often homes where music held sway and children learned to play instruments and sing early in life. A rich and deeply textured childhood can yield brilliant searchers who write and teach great things. But the yearning in the human heart for the love of Source is peculiar and universal, I think. It’s a cellular thing. I personally believe the information we have had in recent years about water and its wisdom, its knowledge and memory. It is quite possible that Source or God is water. This would explain how Creator moves with us in our lives and knows and understands all. We are 70 percent water, more or less. We have no secrets from Creator, like it or not. Water is associated with emotion also.
For me, my parents were Communists and passionately believed that life should be better and that capitalism was a source of unnecessary suffering along with the appetite for money that is never enough. I grew up with that, angry about the injustices of the world and wanting things to be better for ordinary poor people. But I grew disillusioned with that outlook eventually, by adulthood, and realized that no one seemed to have the answers. Then I fell into fundamentalist Christianity, a dreadful and savagely cruel thing. But it was all part of my hungry search for answers. So my search started in my adolescent years and carried on through different false pathways. After Christianity I fell in love with a kind of strange right wing pathway, and after a bit I moved on to fasting and yoga and so on, and it was in my 70’s I discovered A Course in Time Travel and Curtis Loys Jackson’s writings. Fortunately for me, he was still alive and teaching at that time. I am sure the Ancients could tell us that the pathway to Source is long and convoluted and we need to keep on keeping on. From my experiences following Jackson, it seems to me that you can’t go wrong with deep meditation, no matter who is teaching, as during deep trance meditation, your Oversoul has absolute access to you and no one else does. Except Source itself, and that’s the best place to be.

5. What is the meaning of life?

Well…now you’re asking a hard question. Would have to say, it’s got to be Love. We are a long way from it a lot of the time but every once in a while, it rears its beautiful head and there it is! Today I see on the TV that there are over 16,000 volunteers from around the world who are willing to be injected with the coronavirus if it will help find a vaccine more quickly. That’s quite a commitment. You walk past these people in the street and there is no bright light around their heads to let you know that you are walking past a special person. But other people have at times offered one of their eyes to help a blind person, or a kidney, and so on, and these are all selfless offerings and very precious. It calls to us to remember the highest that we can be and can offer, and it challenges us all. I think, because we started way back in the first dark age, and a dark place it was for sure, and the pinnacle of our evolution will be (has already been achieved in the future) the perfected state of love not in one or two but in every living being. A society of perfected beings, spiritually perfected. What a great piece of work that will be. Our own Oversoul is one of the citizens of that society and is available to us if we hunger and are willing to search and work to achieve that pure state of love. The hungry mind and the willing heart call to our TTOs and they respond with presence and teaching.

6. Tell me a few things about you.

I am one of six children, grew up in the woods of Vancouver Island, grew up leaping from log to log in the deep forests and somehow did not ever injure myself, in fact, none of us injured ourselves though we climbed and ran and explored and imagined and had a secret Island we could wade to when the river was low, and I guess someone was protecting us. If our mom had known half the stuff we got up to!
My parents were members of the Canadian Communist Party when Tim Buck was the leader. We grew up full of Karl Marx etc. But by my eighteenth year, I knew somehow it was not the answer. I went on to become a fundamentalist Christian, a Baptist and that was a sad story that ended badly.
I went to Scotland to take my R.N. training and married there. There I took a frightening risk and approached a banker for a business loan and got it, amazing feeling, and built and ran a health spa for eight years.
Returned alone to Canada eventually and got a BA in Sociology (mainly because it did not require math and I had only grade eleven math, but Sociology was good for me due to my left wing background) at University of Victoria, and later discovered Reiki and became a Reiki Master and changed my name from my birth name of Sonja Stevens to Vanayssa Love, which I have to this day. I am allowed one more name change in Canada but along with four marriages and the name changes that went with those, I have had enough name changes for one lifetime. I changed my name legally to try to change my luck, as at that time many were changing the spelling of their names in order to have better lives, but I did not find it gave me better judgment or decisions. The only advantage is that everyone seems to like my name now.
I worked as a nurse sometimes, as an NLP counsellor sometimes, in offices sometimes, and often as a Reiki practitioner.
In my life I have often attracted gossip and made-up stories about me, I guess because I am a woman and I have not really lived a traditional life. I have been married to four alcoholics, and thus learned humility, for no one can cure an addict. Only the addict and Source can cure an addict. I love easily and often love those who do not love me back, which is always a rude surprise. But I don’t think loving is ever a mistake. We have to remain open to learning and loving, that’s vital.
Now, as I am old, I like my life of living quietly in a country town and enjoy my flowers and the beauties of this place. I have owned and built many structures, but now I rent and have a terrific landlady and landlord, and what old person can ask for more? I have a little white dog and a partner who actually knows more than me, which is nice. An onsite teacher. In my old age, I have the simple but complete life I used to yearn for. I used to look at houses as I rode the bus to and from work and schooling, and see the lamplight shining in windows at night and wonder if I would ever feel at peace. Today, as I wait my Call from Source to the next thing along life’s way, I enjoy the peace of a pleasant, quiet town where flowers grow madly all spring and summer and fall, and there is sun and rain in good proportion, and clean, fresh grocery stores with healthy food and I am blessed. My one great catastrophe, the death of my only child, a beautiful daughter, has certainly riven great channels and canyons in my soul, and taught me things only she could have taught me. She came back to visit me on the first anniversary of her death, thus showing me that life is eternal and we never, ever die. Left behind, I suffer of course, but have seen the joy in her face when she came back to see me, and know she is happy and fulfilled. Through the teaching of The Monroe Institute and of Bruce Moen, I learned to visit the other side and see my loved ones there. These wonderful gifts don’t nullify the pain of loss, but how can I grieve when she is so happy?
The town I live in is listed officially as The Worst Place to Live in Canada.
Which just goes to show you, people who have to make lists all the time don’t know much.

7. Where can readers find you and your books?

You can find my Amazon book page at:

Email me at if you like. I will try to answer without too much delay.

One of the most exciting things in the Publishing industry is meeting interesting people who are talented authors and write intriguing stories.

After reading Josey's Mountain by Elle Marlow, I had a few questions about her story and the characters.

1)“Old flames never die, they just burn hotter on the Second Strike.” Is this possible or Josey and Hawk were the exception to the rule?

1) As in life, anything is possible. Especially when it comes to the relationship between Josey and Hawk. Highschool sweethearts with a long history, found themselves separated by dreams and ambitions and limitations of living in a small ranching/mountain community.

2) Tell me a few things about Josey’s family. Her brother didn’t really care about his sister. What do you think about him and for people like Josey?

2) Josey’s brother is essentially another ambition power driven individual who resented Josey for not only being the favorite between siblings, but also because her dreams of holding onto the Second Strike Ranch cost him money and opportunity. I think we often lose sight of what’s truly important when it comes to finding success. Unfortunately, her brother could never see the value in family and holding onto traditions.

3) Conspiracy and betrayal are everywhere, how are your characters supposed to survive?

3) Tough, isn’t it? The lack of trust and misplaced loyalty can be a huge puzzle to sort through, especially when you mix love up into the equation. Maybe it was a little bit of luck, a little bit of prayer. But mostly, Josey and Hawk had one thing in common; dog fast determination.

4) What’s your opinion about romance in the modern society?

4) We need to take our time. We are so used to instant gratification. Heck, I watched a lady yell at a sixteen- year-old pizza parlor employee because her five-minute pizza took over ten. Her frustration is just an example of a society that expects perfection and results right now. Some things take time, and everything takes work. Patience and the ability to communicate without devices are something we are forgetting. It’s pretty scary if you think about it. Plus, we need our youth to have better examples of marriage, and maybe we should drop the egos along with our cell phones. Humble ourselves to understand that humans are imperfect little spiritual creatures that require nurturing to understand what real romance and love is about.

5) What is love?

5) You ask the tough questions, don’t you? Love is recognizing and reciprocating things that nurture and replenish the soul. It is the ability to forgive and accept beyond our understanding. To me it is the ultimate lesson in life, the reason for our being. To become whole in the eyes of God by understanding that love goes much deeper than lust and last far longer.

6) Tell me a few things about you.

6) Well, I am married to a cowboy/truck driver and have been for more than 20 years. We live in Arizona and we embrace the old west and western lifestyle like no others. Lol. Between us, we have 8 kids and 10 grandkids. We have horses, chickens and a weenie dog, a couple of cats. It’s never a dull moment around here. I am extremely blessed and thank God everyday for this life. I am genuinely happy to be alive and absolutely love the life my husband and I have created for ourselves. Writing the west has been my way to preserve a way of life that I see vanishing with the wind. I have really dedicated my life to keeping the story going and along with books, I’m diving into film/acting and screenplays, Vlogs and podcast.

7) Where can readers find you and your books?

7) On Amazon search for Elle Marlow

My blog,

I have a travel/western/vlog on You Tube where I show readers the places I write about and general western/Arizona interest.

And….last but not least, a Podcast where I interview people in the book and film industry and read from my books.

Thank you again for hosting me on your blog! Xoxo Elle Marlow

Buy Josey's Mountain

One of the most exciting things in the Publishing industry is meeting interesting people who are talented authors and write intriguing stories.

After reading Grandfathers’ Bequest by E.B. Sullivan, I had a few questions about her story and the characters.

"Love is too precious to rush into."

1. What’s your opinion about the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren?

1. Free of ordinary childcare routines and responsibilities, grandparents have the opportunity to form unique bonds and relate to their grandchildren in fresher and more improved ways. Most seniors have reflected upon their pasts and choose to avoid mistakes they made in their novice parenting roles.

Away from home rules, a grandchild can bask in the warmth of a grandparent’s unconditional love. Feeling secure and adored enriches a child’s self-esteem providing each child with encouragement to seek a personal journey.

2. Sweet love at first sight VS adventures in love, like Elena and Luciano. Which is more possible to last?

2. While initial chemistry between two people is powerful, adventures in love experienced over time have a better chance of enduring. It’s hard to love someone without knowing him/her and it’s hard to know someone without spending time with her/him in various circumstances. Love is too precious to rush into. Besides, it would be a shame to miss feeling and savoring, developing love’s unfolding joyful moments.

3. What do you think about taking risks?

3. Risk taking is an important part of life. Without stretching beyond our comfort zones, we deny ourselves chances to discover who we are. I think healthy life is about trust. By trusting oneself to sort through the rocky terrain of uncertainty, we can satisfy our burning passions and enter into unimagined enchantment. At each age, putting oneself out a bit farther into the unknown derives the reward of endless fulfillment.

4. What’s the meaning of family?

4. Family is love, protection, respect, unconditional acceptance, and relentless commitment.

5. What is love?

5. Love is the union of souls by embracing the essence of a person—applauding talents, strengthening weakness, sharing philosophies, and at times providing gentle guidance. It’s not categorically condoning and/or enabling another person’s behaviors or choices.

6. Tell me a few things about you.

6. Several characters in Grandfathers’ Bequest were born from recollections of my Italian immigrant family. I feel blessed to have had wonderful parents. Although they died tragically in my youth, their wisdom sits on my shoulder like Jiminy Cricket. Blissful memories of their kindness remind me to be grateful for every person I encounter for each person can help me grow. Animals, wild and domestic, also tutor me in clear and profound life lessons. And when I’m having fun with my grandchildren, I relive the magic days mothering my incredible twins.

7. Where can readers find you and your books?

7. Readers can find information about my short stories, novellas, and novels at the following links:

Amazon Author Page:

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One of the most exciting things in the Publishing industry is meeting interesting people who are talented authors and write intriguing stories.

After reading Shallow Hill by Jeffery Martin Botzenhart, I had a few questions about his story and the characters.

1. What’s your opinion about couples like Brianna and Pierce, could their relationship last forever and be happy?

Absolutely! Even though Pierce is disabled, this doesn’t hinder in any way the life he could share with Brianna. Their love for each other transcends physical attraction and limitations as both are drawn to each other’s life spirit.

2. Ghosts VS human demons, which is more dangerous?

Human demons are more dangerous because of how they can inflict a more severe pain on the living. Yet ghosts hold just as much danger because we can’t see them coming. We can avoid humans we feel threatened by. I guess they are equal in how they threaten.

3. Modern love VS gothic romance, what do you think?

Just the settings and times are different. The human emotions remain the same, at least in my opinion. I’ve enjoyed writing both for dark and light exist in both modern and gothic times.

4. What is the true meaning of family?

It’s people who love and care for each other. It’s people who will stand by you, celebrating your victories and lifting you up on those days that it’s too hard for you to lift yourself up.

5. What is love?

Everyone has a different opinion of what love is. For me, it’s part unconditional acceptance and the desire to care more for others than for yourself. I always put others wants and needs before my own because in doing so I find my own happiness.

6. Tell me a few things about you.

Aside from writing, I’m a husband and father of three sons. When not writing, I’m an active volunteer with the Special Olympics sports and an avid artist, painting and drawing.

7. Where can readers find you and your books?

All of my books, short stories, and novellas can be found on Amazon.

As for me, I can be followed on Facebook and Twitter:

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One of the most exciting things in the Publishing industry is meeting interesting people who are talented authors and write intriguing stories.

After reading Don’t Make A Wish by Lizzy Stevens, I had a few questions about her story and the characters.
It is notable that the authors are donating all the proceeds from this book to the Epilepsy Foundation.

About Don’t Make A Wish

Tara’s day goes from bad to worse when she finds a lamp while cleaning out her grandma’s attic after she died. She found an old lamp with a note attached. ““Whoever finds this lamp, Take my advice. Do not rub the lamp. Do not make a wish. Put it back where you found it and run away.” Tara thought her grandma was just making a joke until she accidently rubbed the lamp and the genie popped out.

Mark, the Genie of the lamp, was not very happy to be a genie any longer. He wanted out of his life. So what he did to show that he wasn’t happy was that no matter what the person wished for he would twists and turn the words of the wish and make it a little more fun for him and not so much fun for the person who made the wish.

After two wishes went in the wrong direction, Tara wished to be left alone which in turn, Mark sent her to a deserted Island. He thought he was being his usual funny self until his punishment was to be sent there with her, but he was sent without his powers.
How will this all work out for Mark and Tara? How will they get off the island without his powers?

1. Is there love without sacrifice?

I feel like if you truly love somebody you would never have that feeling that you sacrificed anything because you would have everything you ever wanted.

2. If you could have 3 wishes in the world, what would they be?

1. For my 2 boys to be happy for their entire life.
2. For my 2 boys to be healthy for their entire life.
3. To always be able to help my boys in their times of need.

3. What does family mean to you?

Family means everything to me. Without my family I would have nothing.

4. What is love?

Love is when you would do absolutely anything for that person. You only want good things for them and would do anything to bring a smile to their face.

5. Tell me a few things about you.

I am married and have two amazing boys. I also have a granddaughter who I love to spoil every chance I get.

6. Where can readers find you and your books?

My books can be found on my Amazon author page here:

7. What about social media?

I love to interact with people on Twitter. You can find me @lizzystevens123

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One of the most exciting things in the Publishing industry is meeting interesting people who are talented authors and write intriguing stories.

After reading Franzisca's Box by Sandra Perez Gluschankoff, I had a few questions about her story and the characters.

About Franzisca's Box

Mystery, betrayal, murder, and passionate love were things Sofia Lazar only experienced as a movie producer. All of that changed after her grandmother’s sudden death when she comes face to face with an unwanted revelation contained in a tattered box. The meager contents of the box take her back to her childhood and the fantastic bedtime stories that Abuela, her grandmother, used to tell her of a heroic warrior girl named Franzisca. Now, two decades later, fragments of Franzisca’s stories creep back into Sofia’s life, tying Franzisca and her grandmother to an unknown past. With the memories of her childhood bedtime stories to guide her, Sofia sets out to piece together her grandmother's mysterious history, leading her to discover the truth behind her life.

Set against the backdrop of World War II Romania, the immigration of Nazi criminals into South America, the later years of the Military Regime in Argentina during the 1980s, and present-day California, Franzisca’s Box is a story of war that ultimately affects three generations of women who will never find peace until they call for a ceasefire in their own wars and surrender to forgiveness and love.

1. How would you describe Claudia in 5 words and what do you think of her?

1. Tenacious, lionhearted, cunning, passionate, loving.
Claudia is a character roughed up by the circumstances of her birth and the subsequent events developing in Europe in the 1930s. She learns early in life to use her wit to survive, she’s astute and, at times, fearless to the point of recklessness. Although pent up and severe at first glance, Claudia is passionate and a dreamer at heart. She protects those she loves with fierceness, and would rather take the hard blows life insists on punishing her loved ones with, than watching them suffer. I admire her.

2. Sofia and Daniel, tell me about their relationship, what made them come closer?

2. Their relationship is complicated, filled with ghosts, half-truths, mystery, and bombshell revelations. However, they prove what love stories through the ages have proven. Love conquers all when it supersedes reason. Their story, their love, represent second chances, hope, healing, eternal love, everything the ones that came before them were denied.

3. What do you think about mother-daughter bond and what about grandmother’s role?

3. In Franzisca’s Box, we see three generations of mother-daughter bonds being affected and tested by the initial act of having loved. Yes, war, hate, persecution, death and their ugly consequences play a major role in tainting of their relationships because of the thick skin they must develop to withstand the circumstances and survive. In the novel, the characters live in a state of survival mode; it becomes a genetic character trait. Communication of deep feelings is put on hold, out of fear of loss, a defense mechanism that enables them to move on should the worst happen. It is then that secrets and silences become the roadblock that conditions these bonds, erroneously safeguarding the deep love they feel for each other. However, in the case of Claudia, she gets a chance at a do over when she becomes a grandmother. It is in this role that she tears those barriers down and brings her family together.

4. Could love last during a war?

4. I believe, yes. Alex and Franzisca have a lot to say about that…

5. What do you think about forgiveness and why is it important?

5. Forgiveness is what allows us to let go of bitterness, grudge, anger and move forward. Forgiving goes hand in hand with not forgetting and from learning facts, history, the circumstances a person was under when a decision was made. We see that pattern repeat itself in the novel, and especially in characters not forgiving themselves for what they have done and the repercussions their acts have caused to those they love. Thankfully, in Franzisca’s Box, there’s light at the end of the tunnel.

6. What does family mean to you?

6. Love. Dysfunctionality. Acceptance. Unconditional love. Ah, yes, and more love.

7. Where can readers find you and your books?

7. My books can be found on Amazon. Here’s my author page:
You can find me at my website:
On Facebook: @palabrasandstories
On Tweeter : @SandraGluschank
On Goodreads:

And here’s the link for Franzisca’s Box:

Q&A with K. C. Sprayberry

One of the most exciting things in the Publishing industry is meeting interesting people who are talented authors and write intriguing stories.

After reading The Case of the Missing Brother (Wildcat Crew Book 3) by K. C. Sprayberry, I had a few questions about her story and the characters.

About The Case of the Missing Brother (Wildcat Crew Book 3)

George Adams, brother to Christine and Suzie, disappeared when his parents took him out of their home in Beverly Hills. Wildcat Crew finally has the clues they need to discover where he is and why he’s there.

The crew works hard but runs into all sorts of brick walls. Until they uncover important clues and are soon on their way to the successful conclusion of another case.

1) You are a multi-genre author focusing on Young Adult novels, it’s obvious that you care about teenagers so please tell me what you think are the biggest challenges for them and their parents?

1) Currently, the biggest challenges for teens and their parents are the lack of social interaction with most facing another school year doing distance learning. Teens are social. They need to be with their friends and exploring their world. That they can’t at this time is worrisome and presents them with new challenges to overcome.

2) Tell me a few things about George’s family, he loved his sisters and sacrificed many years of his life to protect them. What do you think about him and for people like George?

2) George’s family is different from others. In the 70s, the timeframe for the Wildcat Crew books, most families were pretty close. Parents had expectations for their children but they were also ready to let those children grow up and find their own way in life. George recognized his parents were not like other parents and did his best to protect Suzie and Christine, but in the end the family splintered. Thankfully, his sisters had good friends willing to assist in finding where he had gone.

3) Conspiracy and corruption are everywhere, how are your characters supposed to survive?

3) Wildcat Crew are willing to take on difficult cases, much like The Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew characters. These teens see a problem and work on solving it rather than letting someone else deal with the issue.

4) Parents VS Brothers, two totally different kinds of relationship, could they be together in harmony in the modern society?

4) Having seen families interacting in our new modern society, I sometimes wonder if it’s possible for parents and brothers to interact as what was once viewed as the nuclear family. Instead of being a family unit, it appears even with the current restrictions, teens are going in their own direction and parents are often left by the wayside. I’m sure at some point, I’ll find a way to incorporate this into a Wildcat Crew book.

5) What is family?

5) Family—a group of related individuals who must interact together even if they wish certain members would fall off the face of the earth. Family can drive you nuts by getting into your business or they can be your best friend when the reality of life hits them. There is definitely a strong love/hate relationship going on with most families, even if they don’t admit that, but that also binds them together when difficult experiences stop them in their tracks.

6) Tell me a few things about you and the series.

6) This is hard. The series is about teens solving mysteries without the benefit of cell phones, GPS, and the internet. In other words, they use their wits to get to the bottom of the problem. As for me, I love reading and will read just about any book. I also love many other things, such as exploring our town and making new friends. The people I run into often make it into my books if they’re quirky enough.

7) Where can readers find you and your books?

7) I can be found on many social media sites – Facebook and Twitter are my favorites. Yes, I love hearing from the fans. They are the reason I write these books.

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One of the most exciting things in the Publishing industry is meeting interesting people who are talented authors and write intriguing stories.

After reading Lavender Fields by Raegyn Perry, I had a few questions about her story and the characters.

About Lavender Fields

Torrential rain spikes. A scream pierces the dark night.
Greye Fields has immersed herself in her literary work, with no desire to chase the inevitable sting of rejection she knows too well. She won’t allow herself the time or the desire to pursue love.
Until she meets him.
Connor Donovan is perfectly content with his bachelor status. Life is good, teaching middle school English, and being the favorite uncle. He wants for nothing.
Until he meets her.
Shattered glass. A wash of blood.
Is it a nightmare or a memory?
Can Connor and Greye overcome the obstacles to the love of all time, or is tragedy doomed to be repeated?
What if love found the right people in the wrong time?

About the author

Before my father passed away, he shared a story about his great grandmother being a plantation owner’s daughter, disinherited, and written off for running away with one of the family’s mulatto slaves, his great grandfather. It wasn’t until much later this story would be the inspiration for the basis of my debut novel, Lavender Fields. Like many people, the job I had experienced deep workforce cutbacks. I found myself out of a job. Having the time, going back to school, I spent the next two years writing and editing. I joined Pacific Northwest Writing Association, where I met my future publisher. One day, I finally hit ‘Send’ to submit. I later received an email response, with a ‘Yes’. It was about another 6 months of working with an assigned editor. It was disheartening at times; feeling the weight of truly not understanding the editing process. This was my baby! I did learn though!
On September 20th, 2015, my debut novel was released. After riding the newly published author wave, it was time to dive in with the second book of a planned trilogy. There was nerves and hesitation with the expectation I put on myself. What if they didn’t want the second book? They did.
Cypress Groves releases Friday, December 15th, in time for holiday shopping. It can be purchased at many popular online bookseller and retail outlets.


1. Connor and Greye, wonderful characters and passionate lovers decided to stay together forever, is this possible in our days?

1. Yes, with WORK. Every fairy-tale has its dark cloud as does every real-life relationship. It’s about trust and open, honest communication. These are key for any happily ever after. It certainly was for Connor and Greye as they soon learned their conversations would not always be pretty. Both also had to be willing to see the ugly in themselves (and own it) if they were to stand any chance of making it work long term.

2. What’s your opinion about Lacey?

2. My opinion of Lacey? Oh, I love her! Lacey was a character I truly enjoyed writing. She was a survivor. Her circumstances were those that existed in a real albeit different era, but as time has shown us now unfortunately, not really a different world. Her story had a special place in my heart. My own ancestors lived her experience, but when a plantation owners daughter ran off with one of the slaves (that resulted in daughters in which one became my great grandmother) I had the spark for a special kind of romance story.

3.What’s wrong with being different?

3. There is nothing wrong with being different. As humans, we have common, basic similarities; how we are conceived, born, eat, sleep, age etc.
As individuals, we at some point come into our own selves that we show to the rest of the world; how we see things, what we believe in, how we understand and question things, how we feel towards others who are like or unlike us.

4. Racism VS Love, what do you think?

4. This is how I see it. Racism is learned. The who, what, when, where and why of hating based on race (or any other reason) is learned. Sadly, it runs deep with many, like generations upon generations. It’s a common language for those who speak it, and its actions are justified to the roots. Some of it may stem from witnessed events, stories passed down, conversations around the dinner table, misconceptions that turn into perceived truths. It could be misinformation or simply lack of being given any other way of thinking. I believe racism, like hate of any kind is born of fear.

5. What is Love?

5. Love on the other hand is what makes us feel peace at some profound display of beauty, whether its nature, a sunset, babies laughing, children playing, old people holding hands, puppies/kittens. Love is tearing up at a sappy movie or well written book, and the list goes on. Love is that pull at our very core that screams joy, and laughter and sometimes anger. Love is why our hearts can break at the end of a relationship or a parting of ways, or even death.

6. What’s the meaning of family?

6. Family. There are so many types of family. The one we’re born to, adopted or fostered into. There’s the family we create with people we love and who love and support us back. Whether it’s a home family, work/school, or found by
chance family, it’s about who we have in our lives that are there always in spirit if not in person. Family lifts you up, encourages and fosters positive self- awareness, creativity and growth.
There are family members who disown each other and there’s friendships that are closer than blood relationships. We can’t always choose who we are born to or raised by/with, especially if it’s not an ideal situation. We can at some point decide who our ‘true’ family is. They will be the ones embracing your differences and loving you without condition or agenda.

7. Tell me a few things about you and where can readers find you and your books?

7. About me: I played a doctor once in a Taco Time commercial! My pen name comes from a rearrangement of my given name and my late mother and father’s names. Lavender Fields was originally set to be a single, stand alone story. I also wrote a two-act stage play called Daisy Juice that’s been workshopped, but not yet produced. I always welcome reviews!
The first two books in the Eternal Journey Series- Lavender Fields and Cypress Groves can be found on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and any reputable bookseller, as well as through my publisher, Solstice Publishing. I am still plugging away at the third and final story, Rose Gardens.

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One of the most exciting things in the Publishing industry is meeting interesting people who are talented authors and write intriguing stories.

After reading A Harem Boy's Saga Book 1 by Young, I had a few questions about his autobiography.

1. You decided to share an amazing life story with readers, what makes an autobiography interesting?

That is an easy question to answer. An exciting autobiography can be defined in many ways by different readers.

•First and foremost, for me, the author had lived through a life-changing experience that made him/her grow as an individual in our diverse world.
•Through the eyes of the author, I can understand and view the world from a different perspective.
•It is also crucial that the autobiography to reveal universal truths that readers can identify with, like love, relationships with other humans or animals, happiness, discontentments, ups and downs, and the list goes on.
•The methodology of storytelling and formatting are vital components in making an autobiography enjoyable to read.
•Wit and humor are essential factors in good story narrations.
•So are dialogues between the author and the people he/she encountered. Although it is often impossible to remember who said what at the time, the essence of the conversation/conversations should be candid.

2. How hard is it not being accepted by your family because of your sexuality?

There are always pros and cons to all family dynamics. In my instance, my mother was excepting of me, compared to my father. She was my most excellent protector and supporter, and I am grateful to her for that. Although I was born in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, I could not wait to leave because I know there are other places in the world that I can be who I am.

3. If you could turn back the time, would you change anything?

No. I love my life, and I am glad I had the opportunity to experience my harem involvements. These four years of my teenage life provided me with a pragmatic outlook in life, and I can deal with challenging situations.

4. Sex VS emotions in a man's life education, what do you think?

I learned to separate sex from emotions. For me, sex is a physical release of testosterone. Although, at times, it can be a form of spiritual transcendence. I discussed this topic in A Harem Boy's Saga, books II, III, IV, and V.

Emotions are disparate from sex. Emotions are feelings that are unconnected with sex. I can feel great love and joy without having sex with another. If a person can differentiate the two components, he/she should, in most cases, live a less stressful and unencumbered life.

5. What is love?

LOL! That is a million-dollar question. My answer is in A Harem Boy's Saga – Book III – Debauchery; a memoir by Young – chapter 10 – The Four Loves.

I quote Lord Byron, "Love will find a way through paths where wolves fear to prey."

6. How would you describe our modern world? Is there still a secret erotic society?

Answer the first question:

In our contemporary world, beauty is everywhere if a person chooses to see it. Instead of listening, viewing destruction, horror, and dome and gloom, the mass media loves to sensationalize; look at the abundance of beauty, especially in nature, and feel the unconditional love of animals.

Answer the second question:

Though I am uncertain of the answer, my guess is, there are erotic societies in operations to this day. There are always the unseen behind veils of common realizations.

7. Where can readers find you and your books?

They can locate me at:

A Harem Boy's Saga – Facebook page:

In The Harem blog url: in_the_harem




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An Unfortunate Predicament

The following day after regular tutorials with Monsieur Dubois, Andy and I pulled Gudrun and Adolf aside to ask what had transpired the night before at the Marquis’ chambers. The Swede gave us an egregious smile, causing my Valet to raise an eyebrow. “Tell us what happened, Gud,” he insisted. “What did you do to the Marquis?”
The Valet took his time to respond as he flipped nonchalantly through the pages of a magazine. He was obviously keeping us in suspense. Alf couldn’t wait. He blurted, “Gud blindfolded and bound his hands behind his back while I f**ked him.”
“Did he realize it was the two of you and not Andy and me? How did he react?” I questioned.
Alf’s guardian replied, “I don’t think he knew it was us. The rooms were dark. He probably thinks it was you and Andy. I think he was surprised by the turn of events. He probably wanted to play the sadist with you, but he ended up the passive party instead. He was still tied up when we left his chambers.” Gud laughed as if the Marquis deserved to be bound after their sexual assignation.
A look of alarm came over Andy’s face. “You did what? You tied him up and left him there, with him thinking it was me?! You hellion! Leaving me to get the blame for your actions!” Andy exclaimed.
“Well, mate! You were the one who asked us to substitute for the two of you. You, mate, you should be thanking us instead of reprimanding me for leaving the sadomasochistic Mathieu in bondage. He probably loved the rough treatment,” Gudrun chortled.
Just then, Monsieur Dubois passed by the corridor. He heard the effervescence and enquired, “What’s the ebullience, boys?”
The Swede replied, “Oh, it’s something amusing Alf and I did last night. Andy is afraid that he may have to shoulder the blame.”
“You boys better not have played some prankish game with any of our guests. They are serious investors and are here for our Master’s investment projects. You guys better tread with caution and respect the visitors. Your métier is to make their stay welcoming and entertaining. You understand me?” My teacher said authoritatively.
Gud and Alf quieted down, nodded their heads and promised the professor that they would behave in an edified manner before disappearing down the hall.
As soon as the duo was out of sight, Alain inquired, “What was the real reason for the jubilant outburst?”
My Valet explained anxiously what had transpired at Mathieu’s chambers the previous evening. Dubois cried, “It’s too late to change this unfortunate outcome now. You’ll have to wait to see what the Marquis will do. Meanwhile, I’ll try and think of an elegant solution.”
He continued, “Also, Ikram wants to see the both of you as soon as possible.”
“Why does he want to see us?” My Valet asked.
“I have no idea. I presume he wants to discuss the Carousel with Young,” My teacher surmised.

An Unexpected Revelation

I could tell Ikram wasn’t in the best disposition as soon as we entered. His usual effervescence had turned south. In its place was a tetchy Arab, slobbering precipitously over a table of design drafts.
Andy inquired, “You asked to see us, sir?”
The Arab did not speak, he stood by the desk as if seething with displeasure. He finally grasped demandingly, “Where were the two of you last evening?”
“Sir, we were attending His Highness’ function. You were there; you saw us,” My guardian replied.
“Why didn’t you heed my summons to be in the library?” The interior designer demanded.
Andy and I looked at one another, amazed that we had finally discovered the true identity of the mystery admirer. I uttered, “I’m sorry, Sir! I did not know the gift and request were from you. There weren’t any indications of who it was or of an appointed time. When we met at the event, you gave us no indication of your summon.”
Ikram declared, “It is not I that beckoned you, but somebody close to me is interested in the two of you.”
I stared at Andy for a response. He enunciated, “May we know who this special person who desires to see us is?”
“Go to the library this evening, and the answer will be waiting for you. Take heed, and be there at the appointed time. This person will not take too kindly to you if you miss the summons again. You understand me?”
“Yes sir! We will be there. May we know the name of this illustrious person, so that we can be better prepared to attend to his or her needs?” My guardian was trying to gain some insight into our summoner’s identity.
“No!” The Arab stated abruptly. On that authoritative command, he dismissed Andy and me.

Back to Square One

Once again, we were at a loss. We had no idea who our mysterious admirer was. When we arrived back at the “Al-'iksīr” (Elixir) two glossy black boxes embossed in gold with the words L'hommes Provocateur sat waiting for us inside the entrance door. Within the larger container were the following:
• A black leather chest harness.
• A form-fitting pair of leather pants with the groin and derriere areas removed.
• A black leather half-mask with two holes for the eyes.
• A pair of black storm trooper boots that fitted Andy perfectly.
• A black leather horse whip.
• A pair of solid gold handcuffs.
These items were obviously meant for my Valet. In the smaller box was another set of artifacts that consisted of:
• A glossy black form-fitting rubberized pair of shorts with a Velcro front. On the trousers were two flaps that could be ripped away instantaneously, revealing the wearer’s crotch and backside.
• A black Hermes silk kerchief printed in gold with images of saddles, horseshoes and riding crops. The scarf could be folded into a blindfold.
• A pair of rubberized thigh-high boots made to fit my foot size.
• A black and a gold candle laid neatly next to a solid gold cigarette lighter. Beside these tidily wrapped articles was an oversized black dildo and a jar of lubricant.
• There was also a pair of solid gold nipple clamps.
• And a rubberized half-mask that fitted snugly around the upper part of my face.
These articles were obviously meant for me.
Besides the list of sadomasochistic paraphernalia were two black finely woven hooded thobes with long slits that ran down the front to below the navel. These monk-like coverings were meant to be worn over the leather and rubberized clothing.
My lover and I turned the boxes inside out before we finally found a fancy black envelope trimmed with gold edges. Enclosed was a white note card. Embossed in gold lettering were the words: “You are invited to a gathering of the “Canterbury Tales of Bawdy Rhymes.” You’ll be asked to recite this rhyme at the library:
“Jack be nimble,
Jack be quick,
Jack sizzles while the candles drip.”
See you at the bewitching hour.”
Once again, no signature was scripted below the invitation. My lover and I scratched our heads in bafflement, wondering who could have sent such an unconventional invitation with these indecorous gifts. The only person we could think of was Marquis Mathieu. After all, he was the only person who had toyed and flirted with me about sadomasochism.
“Does that mean Mathieu was pleased with his evening’s rendezvous with Gudrun and Alf?” I questioned Andy inquisitively.
“I presume so. Who would send such gifts besides the Marquis?” My lover continued with obfuscation.
“Does that mean he wants to see us this evening? He must desire an anomalous replay of his previous night’s experience,” I thought aloud.
Andy continued to scratch his head. “I give up! I hate this cat-and-mouse game. I don’t know what we should do.”
“Maybe we should consult Professor Dubois again?” I suggested.
Andy gave an anguished sigh, “I hate having to consult Alain at every turn. I am old enough to figure out these games without having to run to your teacher for advice. I want to be able to protect you on my own. You, my precious, are my beloved and my charge. I’ll make sure no harm comes to you, even if I have to protect you with my life.”
When I saw him in such a state, I felt a sudden surge of affection for my lover. “Three minds are better than two. Besides, Alain has more experience than either of us. He completed E.R.O.S. and the harem programs and is also my learned teacher; he should be able to advise us on how best to proceed. Don’t you agree?”
After much persuasion, my guardian finally capitulated before we trotted off to consult Alain, who proved as perplexed as we were. My teacher’s only advice: “There are no classes tomorrow on Holy Friday. I’m sure all will be revealed to you when you go to the library at the bewitching hour of 1 A.M. There’s nothing to lose! Go, experience the adventure.”

Hickory, Dickory, Dock,
The “mice” ran up the clock.
The clock struck one,
The “mice” ran down
Hickory, dickory, dock.

Dressed in the ludicrous garb beneath our black hooded thobes, Andy and I arrived at the large ornate library doors. Two unfamiliar-looking, burly Arabs stood guard on either side of the entrance. One of them opened the locked door to let us into a dimly candlelit room. A group of people in attire similar to ours were already scattered around the room. They seemed as flummoxed as we were. All of them were hooded and wearing leather half-masks that exposed only their eyes and the lower sections of their faces. I recognized them instantly. They were the four French aristocrats: Charles, Marie-Laure, Mathieu and Pierre. Next to the baron were Sébastien, Ludovic, Gudrun, and Adolf. At a corner of the expansive chamber, Didee, Elizabeth, Karina and Matumi were muttering amongst themselves in low voices. Last but not least, Alain stood next to the Marquis. Neither my Valet nor I had any idea that Dubois was part of this clandestine assembly. We were aghast at his presence, since he had given us no indication that he was an invitee to this unorthodox escapade.
As we stood ruminating, several fully masked overseers entered through a side entrance. One of them, the premier, sat alone some distance away from us, guided by two of Ikram’s handlers, Makut and Khatum. The other four principals came to join our entourage. They stood in the middle of our circle, which seemed to have opened up automatically.
Under their full or half masks, I recognized them as Abdallah, Fiddha, Ikram and Ebram, the third of the kaneeth’s handsome bodyguards. I couldn’t help but wonder who the mystery person sitting at the far corner was. He sat motionless, as if a silent spectator of a pugnacious game.
In perfect English, Ebram announced, “I’ll give each of you a sign to recite aloud the rhyme you’ve been assigned. Then, you are to step into the center of the circle to participate in a pleasurable game of sensual and sexual gratifications.”
My Valet and I looked at each other in astonishment; neither one of us or, for that matter, any of the visitors or foreign students, knew what would happen next.
The mysterious observer voiced decisively, “Let the games begin.”

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A Harem Boy’s Saga - 5 books series:

The Boy Who Wouldn’t Grow Up:
The Truth Will Set You Free:
No Distance Between Us:

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Initiation book Trailer:
Unbridled Book Trailer:
Debauchery Book Trailer:
Turpitude Book Trailer:

One of the most exciting things in the Publishing industry is meeting interesting people who are talented authors and write intriguing stories.

After reading Between a Rock and a Hard Place by Debbie De Louise, I had a few questions about her story and the characters.

About Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Librarian Alicia McKinney has put the past behind her…
Two years ago, Alicia discovered both a terrible truth and lasting love with John McKinney in the small town of Cobble Cove, New York. Now a busy mother of twin babies and co-author of a mystery series, Alicia couldn’t be happier.
Alicia’s contentment and safety are challenged…
Walking home alone from the library, Alicia senses someone following her, and on more than one occasion, she believes she is being watched. Does she have a stalker? When the local gift shop is burglarized, the troubling event causes unrest among Alicia and the residents of the quiet town.
John and Alicia receive an offer they can’t refuse…
When John’s sister offers to babysit while she and John take a much-needed vacation in New York City, Alicia is reluctant to leave her children because of the disturbances in Cobble Cove. John assures her the town is safe in the hands of Sheriff-elect Ramsay. Although Alicia’s experience with and dislike of the former Long Island detective don’t alleviate her concern, she and John take their trip.
Alicia faces her worst nightmare…
The McKinney’s vacation is cut short when they learn their babies have been kidnapped and John’s sister shot. Alicia and John’s situation puts them between a rock and a hard place when the main suspect is found dead before the ransom is paid. In order to save their children, the McKinneys race against the clock to solve a mystery more puzzling than those found in their own books. Can they do it before time runs out?


1. Alicia and John, wonderful characters, good parents and a happy couple. Nice people have to try a lot to enjoy life and tranquility. Why is this so difficult in our days?

1. That’s a tough question. I think modern life makes things more complicated for families and individuals. In most families, because of living expenses, the husband and wife both have to work. This takes time away from being with each other and their kids.

2. What’s your opinion about John’s sister?

2. I think she means well and cares about her brother, sister-in-law, nephew, and niece. She is a bit eccentric because of her wealth, but she is also very generous.

3. What’s the beauty of life and the worst experience for a person?

3. To me, animals and pets, especially cats and nature are the most beautiful experiences – the plants, flowers, the ocean, the sunrise and sunset. They inspire and soothe us. The worst experience is losing someone you love, be it your husband/wife, parent, child, or pet.

4. Crime, is there anything we could do to get past of this nightmare?

4. The only thing we can do is try to be law-abiding people and be careful to avoid dangerous situations.

5. What is the worst fear of parents?

5. Losing their child, to illness, accident, or abduction.

6. What’s the meaning of family? What does family mean to you?

6. Family doesn’t necessarily have to be blood relatives. A group of people who are close, church members, good friends, neighbors, can be considered family. The members of a family protect one another and help one another in difficult times. They are always there when needed.

7. Tell me a few things about you and where can readers find you and your books?

7. I’m a librarian and a cat lover. I always add pets to my books. In my Cobble Cove cozy mystery series that now consists of 5 books, there’s Sneaky, the Siamese library cat. Between a Rock and a Hard Place is the second book of the series. My new release, No Gravestone Unturned, is the 5th book. I’ve also written standalone thrillers and a paranormal romance. All my books can be found on Amazon, and the eBooks are free to Kindle Unlimited subscribers. My website/blog and newsletter sign up is found at I’m on twitter @deblibrarian.

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One of the most exciting things in the Publishing industry is meeting interesting people who are talented authors and write intriguing stories.

After reading The Garden of Two by Vicki-Ann Bush, I had a few questions about her story and the characters.

About The Garden of Two

Charlie Murphy and Lillie Whitman couldn’t be any more different. His Irish immigrant parents worked hard for the little they had, while Lillie enjoyed all the comforts of wealth as the daughter in a prominent Long Island family. Drawn together by grief, the two overcome class conflict and fall deeply in love, creating a bond that no one can break.
Or so they thought.
When the dawn of World War I comes to their hometown, and personal tragedies threaten their future, they fight to hold on to their love. From the horrors of Germany's front lines to the emotional battle fields fought at home, Charlie and Lillie must find a way to navigate a path back into each other’s arms, and to a very special garden that is their consummate symbol of hope.


1. Charlie and Lillie, wonderful characters, a happy couple that finally became one. Why can’t we see couples like them in our days?

1. Oh but I think we can. This couple is loosely based on me and my husband who recently celebrated our forty year wedding anniversary.

2. Charlie adored his mother, and I loved the way you described his stance after his mother’s condition. Is he the exception to the rule? Do you think everyone would do the same?

2. No, I don’t believe he is. I’m not sure if everyone would do the same but I know families who’ve gone through similar experiences and they fiercely stand loyal.

3. What do you think about Lillie’s father? I felt he would never accept his wife’s loss.

3. I agree. I feel he will forever miss his love and choose not to replace her with anyone else.

4. War, is there anything we could do to prevent this nightmare from coming back?

4. Compassion.

5. Insecurities VS true love, what do you think?

5. I’ve seen both and in the end, insecurities aren't enough to carry on. Only true love gives you the strength to endure.

6. What’s the meaning of family? What does family mean to you?

6. For me, I was raised in a large Italian family and family always comes first. It means true, supportive love. What that means to me is no matter how difficult my challenges are in life, I always have warriors standing by my side.

7. Tell me a few things about you and where can readers find you and your books?

7. My favorite author is Dean Koontz. I write primarily YA paranormal because I have sensitivity to what lies beyond, from mom’s side of the family. I can trip over a piece of thread on the carpet and I love to sing and dance...not well, but I love it anyway.

You can find my books at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and several online bookstores.


Barnes & Noble:

As a thank you to all my readers, I’d like to offer a free copy of Ophelia, the novella that led the way for Alex McKenna’s trip to the Academy of Souls.

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One of the most exciting things in the Publishing industry is meeting interesting people who are talented authors and write intriguing stories.

After reading Second Nature: Volume 1 (Blood At First Sight) by Marie Lavender, I had a few questions about her story, her books and the characters.


1. Alec and Desiree – strong characters, passion, love, attraction, and a chemistry that could ignite everything. In a normal couple in our days, are these enough?

1. Yes, and no. They are great building blocks for any couple. However, there should also be a decent friendship, and some common interests. Without some similar values or commonalities, what would the couple talk about? At the same time, you don’t want to be identical with your significant other. There should be some differences, too, just to keep things interesting. Case in point, with my fiancé, there’s never a dull moment. We have enough in common, yet some interests that make us entirely individual. I think it keeps an element of mystery in the relationship.
As for Desiree and Alec, they have enough individuality on their own – hobbies and other qualities that make them unique – to keep the relationship lasting over time.

2. Mystery – what about Desiree’s powers?

2. In the story, Desiree finds out she has some psychic abilities she never knew about, and she starts to wonder who her birth parents were. So, it’s definitely a shock when she learns some of what she can do.

3. You’ve written many books, which one is your favorite and why?

3. That’s always a tough question, as I love them all. Still, I must say that Directions of the Heart is a favorite. There are so many diverse characters in that collection, and ‘Touch of Dawn’, in particular, is such a touching tale. Caitlyn and Jack are special people, and one of my favorite couples in the literary world. I’m just blessed that they decided to harass me into writing their story. LOL!

4. Would you like to talk about your latest release?

4. Upon Your Return is my latest release. The second edition just came out through my new publisher. This is a Victorian romance novel, set in France during the Second Empire. Prepare for intrigue and drama, as an unlikely pair – a young heiress and a clipper ship captain – come across each other in a perilous situation, in the dark part of town. From then on, they are irrevocably drawn to one another, to the chagrin of numerous parties involved.

As for Second Nature, my first published paranormal romance, the next edition will be out again very soon.

5. You write about love, what do you think about true love?

5. I definitely believe in it and know it’s real. I found it in my own life. But I’m not saying that real love doesn’t take work, either, just like any other romantic relationship. It requires a lot of effort, but if it feels right, then it’s totally worth the trouble.

6. What does family mean to you?

6. Family means a lot to me. Witnessing my parents’ relationship encouraged me so much in my personal beliefs about how love should look. I am close to my sister, and my brother…well, he’s all right, I guess. LOL. But, on a more serious level, I don’t know what I’d do without them. My fiancé, as well, has become my family over the years, and as soon as we make it legal, we can start a little family of our own.

7. Tell me a few things about you and where can readers find you and your books?

7. I’ve known I wanted to write books ever since I was a kid. Stories just flowed through my imagination, and I had to figure out a way to get them all down on paper. It became natural to work on my story projects. I’ve been infected by the writing bug for years.
Readers may visit my website at for more information about my work.

A list of her books and pen names are as follows:

Marie Lavender: Second Nature; "Lovers Like Us" (featured poem from the book anthology, Poets & Writers in Action); A Little Magick; Second Chance Heart; Directions of the Heart; Blood Instincts; Blue Vision; The Missing Piece; Chasing Ginger; Magick & Moonlight; Upon Your Return (second edition released on 11/23/20)

Erica Sutherhome: Terror in the Night; Haunted; Pursuit; Perfect Game; Ransom; Leather and Lace

Kathryn Layne: A Misplaced Life

Heather Crouse: Express Café and Other Ramblings; Ramblings, Musings and Other Things; Soulful Ramblings and Other Worldly Things

(**Author's Note -- Upon Your Honor, Upon Your Love, and The Heiresses boxed set are unavailable right now, until my new publisher, Foundations Books, can release them back to the public. Additionally, in subsequent years, I will be fully revising and re-releasing my backlist into collections of various genres, just to keep all my work organized under one pen name.)

About Marie Lavender

Multi-genre author of Victorian maritime romance/family saga, Heiresses in Love, and 20 other books. Marie Lavender lives in the Midwest with her family and two cats. She has been writing for a little over twenty-five years. She has more works in progress than she can count on two hands. Since 2010, Marie has published 21 books in the genres of historical romance, contemporary romance, romantic suspense, paranormal romance, romantic comedy, dramatic fiction, fantasy, science fiction, mystery/thriller, literary fiction and poetry. An avid blogger on the side, she writes adult fiction, as well as occasional stories for children, and has recently started some young adult fiction. She also contributed to several anthologies. Though Marie has standalone titles on the market, her current published series are The Eternal Hearts Series, The Magick Series, The Code of Endhivar Series, The Misfits Series and The Blood at First Sight Series, but she has many others planned. Her Victorian maritime romance series is returning, and the second editions of the trilogy will be released under her new publisher, Foundations Books.

Discover more about her and her work at the following links.

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One of the most exciting things in the Publishing industry is meeting interesting people who are talented authors and write intriguing stories.

After reading And Alex Still Has Acne by Margaret Egrot, I had a few questions about her story and the characters.

About And Alex Still Has Acne

Life for fourteen year old Alex is okay most of the time. He enjoys school, has a best friend Sam, and a pretty and only mildly irritating younger sister, Nicky. But then Sam starts acting strangely, and so does Nicky - and both insist on sharing secrets with him, making him promise not to tell anyone. Then Nicky goes missing and only Alex thinks he knows where to find her. But is Sam anywhere around to help?

1) And Alex Still Has Acne is a Young Adult novel, I loved the book and so did readers. What is the secret to keep teenagers turning the pages?

1) I write contemporary novels set in the real world. But I think my advice would be the same for fantasy, sci-fi, historical stories: the world you create has to be a believable one that a flesh and blood teenager can relate to. The story has to have young people of about the age, or a little older, than your intended reader. And the story has to move along at a reasonable trot. I try to follow the known experts at writing ‘page-turners,’ and end each chapter with a new plot development.

2) Tell me a few things about Nicky, what do you think about her and for teenagers living a life similar to the life of the young girl?

2) Nicky is adopted and, however consistent and loving the adoptive parents and siblings are, almost all adopted children have a feeling of insecurity, especially as they reach adolescence. Inquisitiveness about their real family and why they were abandoned run alongside those feelings of self-doubt that almost all children have as they hit their teens. Girls especially will worry about having friends, their looks, their weight …
Loving parents – which Nicky has – rarely get it right when trying to support them as, to them, their daughter is fine just as she is. But saying so is usually the wrong thing, and getting cross just makes it worse. It’s trying to understand what’s going on inside Nicky’s head that’s important. Alex, in his clumsy way, has a better grasp of this than their parents do.

3) Anger, despair, shame, loss, regret and curiosity. How are teenagers supposed to keep going and handle all these feelings and emotions?

3) Ha! How did we get through that phase in our lives ourselves? Parents tend to feel their teenage children don’t want them around (and it’s true, parents can be soooo embarrassing, at times). But actually you are needed just as much as when the teenagers were toddlers – to reassure, pick up the pieces, set boundaries they can ostensibly kick against, but actually help them feel safe. But above all to LISTEN. Sitting them down to ‘have a talk’ is a recipe for failure. Dropping everything to listen when you’re needed helps even a very upset teenager see light at the end of the tunnel. It’s hard being a teenager. Hard too being the parent of one. Maybe that is why many of my readers are in fact grown-ups.

4) What is family?

4) Good question. It’s definitely not just Mum, Dad and two kids all linked together by marital or blood ties. Foster parents, adoptive parents, same sex parents, single parents, grandparents, stepparents, can all offer children stable and happy homes. Or can really screw things up (like Sam’s parents at the start of And Alex Still Has Acne). I suppose the important element is at least one adult who takes the parenting role seriously and consistently. Two parents can share the load, but not if they are too caught up in their own troubles to notice the children. In real life, one of my heroes was largely brought up by his sister – who was only three years older than him.

5) What do you think are the biggest challenges for teenagers and their parents?
For parents - creating an environment where the children can talk about the good, and bad, things in their lives. Setting boundaries – you are not your kids’ best friends, you are the parents. Not being dependent on your children for your own self-worth – little Johnny doesn’t have to be top at everything for you to be a great Mum or Dad.

5) For teenagers – remembering that, however difficult your parents seem as you enter your teens, they will usually improve over time!
Life as a teenager feels more extreme emotionally than it was when you were younger, so trying to keep things in balance – friendships, schoolwork, social media, sports, as well as social pressures re drink and drugs, and sex - is hard. Covid-19 throughout most of 2020 has made it all a lot harder – but it will end.
Parents will normally be better at understanding if you mess up than you think. However, if the problem is home-based – and some parents are just not able or willing to be proper parents, then talking to a teacher, youth leader, a friend’s parents, phoning Childline or similar, is a must. There is help out there. Knowing when you need it is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of growing maturity.

6) Tell me a few things about you.

6) I worked a lot with teenagers as a youth worker and probation officer. Mostly boys, but some girls like Nicky too. Later I worked more with adults in Probation, prison, and in child protection settings. None of my characters are based on real people, but a lot of characterization came out of my experiences. These days I help run a charity for older people, take my dog for walks, swim, and write my blog (see link below).

7) Where can readers find you and your books?

7) I recently had the copyright for three books returned to me by my American publisher. I have just self-published them all at lower prices, including And Alex Still Has Acne. They, and books produced with other publishers, can be found on my author page on Amazon Books. One book Festive Treats, is an anthology of Christmas stories. I have one story in it and the anthology is FREE!
I also publish a blog – Writing and Breathing - about writers, writing tips, the meaning of words, and anything vaguely literary that’s in the news.

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One of the most exciting things in the Publishing industry is meeting interesting people who are talented authors and write intriguing stories.

After reading I will kill you in my dream by Kristina Gallo, I had a few questions about her story and the characters.

About I will kill you in my dream

Helena is an inexperienced teenager. She wishes to fit in, but local bullies marked her as a weirdo. After unexpected events happened, she will know her power to predict the future in dreams. The principal victims are her enemies and she can’t stop their terrible fate. The war in ex Yugoslavia is the background of this book. Social and national differences destroy many friendships and relationships at that time.

1) You are a multi-genre author writing intriguing Young Adult stories. What are the biggest challenges for teenagers in our days?

1) The biggest challenges are social media. Teenagers think they don’t need education, and promote themselves on Instagram, Tik Tok hoping they will earn money and become celebrities. There are dangerous traps, like posibilities of abusing, human trafficing or possible prostitution.

2) Bullying, what do you think? Can we stop it?

2) I was the victim of bullying in a high school. To stop bullying, we all must collaborate. Authorities must work fast. In my time, authorities did their work bad. They did not get seriously the consequences of bullying. Also, some parents are rich and they protect their bad mannered kids.

3) Predicting the future in dreams, is it a curse or charisma?

3) I think that is both. If someone has nightmares, that is curse, it has bad effect. On the other hand, a person that predicts in dreams has a power.

4) What is the role of a teacher?

4) The teacher should educate kids about moral values and respect. Also, the teacher can’t lose authority.

5) What does family mean to you?

5) My parents and my husband always support me, and they mean everything to me. I love to protect my privacy.

6) Tell me a few things about you.

6) I am Croatian multi-genre writer and blogger. I am writing a blog for Croatian internet portals. My profession is a lawyer, I work as higher law advisor for the state firm.
I am football supporter, love parties and journeys. I love to meet new people and collect new experiences.

7) Where can readers find your books?

7) Readers can find my books on Amazon .

Here is my link:

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