Live Your Life To The Fullest

"Focus on you, satisfy your needs and leave all the nasty thoughts out of your life."




“Focus on you, satisfy your needs and leave all the nasty thoughts out of your life.”

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You know exactly what it means and there is no question about it.

When you feel nice among other people and they treat you like being a family member, you can be sure that you have managed to earn their respect. Stay there and enjoy their company.

Unfortunately, some other times, it happens exactly the opposite and that causes nothing bad disappointment, rejection, pain and, in general, you feel bad without being responsible, and there is no reason to wonder about your behavior of course, because I am sure you did nothing wrong.

The best you can do to avoid being treated like trash is to stand up and walk away. Ignore those who disrespected you and don’t even talk to them because wasting your energy in vain is insane and you need to be strong during these hard times we are all going through.

But, what happens if you are the one who doesn’t respect others?

Just stop doing it because you are not superior to anyone else in this world. We are all here to live a happy life.

Remember, kindness is the key to everything.

Pure intentions make you a better person.

Respect everyone and share your good feelings.




You might not believe this, but I think that the happiest people in the world are those who love being the guys that appear from nowhere and surprise others by giving them whatever they can.

On the other hand, there are takers who love getting things and whatever else, but never or very seldom have they done the same. These are people who are hesitant to expose their love and interest for others…

By giving with all your heart whatever is possible can only do good to your heart and soul. You feel relieved and peaceful and that is indescribable. You are a truly happy person and you should never question yourself about that.

If you have a pure heart and want to show your love and you really care about others, you will always find your way to do it.

When you have the time to think about which type of person you are (giver or taker) remember that you are not alone in this world. Your smile can be seen on other people’s faces. And we should all smile and be happy.