Live Your Life To The Fullest

"Focus on you, satisfy your needs and leave all the nasty thoughts out of your life."



May 24, 2020


Live your life to the fullest and never have regrets. Never change who and what you are for the others and you will come across happiness, and the life you really want.

Being yourself I think it is the best someone can do to be happy. Expressing our honest thoughts and our inner feelings is not a shame nor should we feel guilty to reveal whatever our souls desire.

Being real is what makes us mature. I always liked the phrase “what you get is what you see”.

Sometimes I think about the last generations and I really feel sorry about a huge percentage of people who were not able to do what they wanted, and especially women.

Have you ever wondered how many women suffered from depression when they had been hostages of the cruel decisions of their families (?), and how many women were forced to get married when they were not willing to spend their lives with men they did not like…

Every day that passes by is a loss and will never come back. Don’t waste your time anymore. A few suggestions might be helpful.

Focus on yourself,

Satisfy all your needs,

Leave the nasty facts behind,

Avoid toxic and negative people,

Spend your time wisely,

Make plans, dreams and never lose hope.

It’s not easy to find happiness, but surely deserves the time and the effort. Last but not least, I’d like to remind you a phrase that you already know, “That which does not kill us makes us stronger.” 

So never stop looking for the best for you.


May 10, 2020


Bad days will never stop coming your way. Bad people will not stop being aggressive so don’t waste your time. Kill them with a smile.

Being rude, aggressive and humiliating people is something I will never understand. Every time I hear people talking about bullying I can’t stop wondering the reasons they have to go through this freaking experience.

Being a bully does not make you stronger or tougher than others. It shows that you are a weak and insecure person that is not able to do what others can do better than you.

Humiliating people while trying to impose your will, your thoughts and your opinions believing it’s the best way to show off the strength of your personality is just silly.

When someone acts this way it means that he/she failed to communicate with others. It means that this person lost the chance to make them feel nice having another person in their social life.

Sometimes, being different, original, and productive, and so many other characteristics make people feel weird, but this is their problem and not yours. They should deal with that and fix it.

I do believe that you should stay focused on the fact that you are unique and no one has the right and the ability to destroy your life and your dreams.

When and if you have to go through an absurd situation like bullying and I really hope you won’t, try to avoid these people. Ignore whatever they say about you and move on with your life.

If the problem persists, then talk to your family and your friends. There’s no doubt they will do anything to help you out. Remember that you have no problem; the bullies have to spend a lot of time to figure out how to get the life they want. And you are not their family so don’t deal with them because you might find yourself into bigger and more difficult troubles.

If things are very bad, don’t hesitate to call the police, and never feel guilty when they will have to pay the consequences of their own actions.

Never stop making plans for your future and never stop doing your own things. Remember that is very important to be yourself. Don’t try to change who you are just because you want to be likeable.

And never forget that you are beautiful.


April 26, 2020



7B souls in the last 30 days

If it was a product, it would be the world’s best-selling item. It could be the most intense perfume that everyone would recognize and hate it as well.

But loneliness is not a product. Loneliness is the state of being alone and feeling bad about it. Loneliness looks forward to devouring our thoughts while tearing apart our souls. Loneliness loves giving birth to fears. Loneliness brings us closer to isolation where our darkest desires come up, driving us to dangerous paths. A silent killer, the personification of our worst nightmare, that’s exactly what it is.

Although we have come to a point where the majority of the population has almost everything needed for a good life (think about it for a while, small things make the difference), sadly, we recently realized that, in reality, we have nothing.

The coronavirus pandemic caused a serious global crisis which revealed the truth about our condition.

In a short period of time we ran into a very complicated situation. We were forced to stay indoors to be safe, and that was weird because we weren’t used to staying at home for a long time.

And we were given the chance to think about us.

But wait a minute, what? Indeed, we never had a home to accommodate our hearts. We never had a place where our souls could come across tranquility, even for a few moments. We had a house where we could rest our bodies for a couple of hours before going back to our stressful, soul- destroying routine again.

During the lockdown many of us discovered that families make you feel nice and help you get past your worries. Others found out they didn’t actually like their partners and their family members which is the worst that could happen to someone.

The quarantine gave us the opportunity and the time to discover ourselves. And made us come even closer to loneliness because of the choices we’ve made concerning our whole living (congratulations to those who had the courage to detect the problem and didn’t ignore it hiding behind their fingers. Now move on!).

We have become strangers in our own bodies, we have forgotten our dreams since we were only interested in achieving our professional goals neglecting the most basic, and I mean happiness.

In future, we won’t be able to resist to the changes of the new world. The new orders of the modern living are coming too fast and there will be no time to react because we don’t know who we are and what we need.

But I do believe there is still time to fix it. I think we should listen to our hearts and try to answer a few questions.

What do we like? What do we really miss? Are we close to the people we love and really want to be with us?

We could stand in front of the mirror and look closely at the reflection. We could focus on the eyes, the mirrors of the soul that never lie. We could ask ourselves whether we want to save our lives or not and finally spend the rest of our time the way we desire.

Willingness and honesty could help us find the solution to the most critical phase we are going through.

No matter what, we should never forget that we are not alone. Be gentle, respect and love yourself. And make up your mind as soon as possible because no one is going to do this for you.

And act before it’s too late.