Live Your Life To The Fullest

"Focus on you, satisfy your needs and leave all the nasty thoughts out of your life."




I guess you already know the meaning of this word, and I am also sure that you are aware of the fact that it’s your choice to decide whether you want to be sad or not.

Sadness has the ability to empty your heart and your thoughts while draining your soul and changing your life to the worst. But, the good news is that you can act and do what you want with your life. If you don’t like your current emotional situation, you can do as many changes as you desire.

You know yourself better than anyone else in the world so don’t waste your time. Respect your soul and listen to your heart. Time flies and, at some point, you will not be able to realize that you have done nothing to satisfy your needs. Don’t let this happen, do not sacrifice your life for no one.

Start doing your own thing without thinking what others might say about you and your life. Live for your own good and ignore criticism. Toxic people are countless, don’t deal with them and move on.

Next time you stand in front of the mirror say “hi” and smile at the reflection because it is up to you to get rid of the sadness.

You deserve a lot and never let anyone make you believe the opposite. Each one of us is special and we are supposed to live our lives to the fullest, sharing love and smiles with every single person we come across.

Start going out and walk. Use your energy to benefit from the dark you feel you are trapped. Start talking about your plans with your friends and you’ll discover the light in the beauty of our world.

Read books and let other people’s imagination travel you to places you’ve never been and would love to see.

Come close to mother nature and admire the uniqueness of the environment we are all supposed to live in harmony.

Surround yourself with positive vibes and never stop making dreams because good days are coming and you will have to be ready to enjoy them with all your heart.

All you need to do is to keep being persistent. Stand up and fight against your fears and insecurities because that’s where sadness is based and will never let you go until you say enough.

Life is too short, live and enjoy every single moment.




Time is never enough to do all of the things we want to do. Every single day seems to be difficult, we are constantly busy at work, and we have to stay focused on our goals to make our dreams come true.

Is it possible to have a good and stress-free life without giving up on our desires?

I think the answer is yes, but it’s not so simple and easy to make it happen. We have to be more organized and we have to become familiar with a word that means a lot. We have to set priorities for each and every day.

There is nothing more important than ever before. So many things to do that demand our attention and precious time while being cautious and knowing that we have just a few hours to make sure we’ve done everything. But we are humans and we cannot do many tasks simultaneously.

Priorities are the best guide to help us out. Priorities are the key to achieve our goals while we providing us the opportunity to develop our personalities.

Step by step, yes this is the best way to get everything done and to be successful in the future.

When we rush to do everything at once, we often ignore that the results will not be the anticipated, and that’s mainly because of the omissions we have done in order to finish our work.

Success is based on our priorities and our commitment to them. If we won’t be able to control our desires, we will never be able to overcome the challenges that keep us behind.

Slow progress is an achievement and should not be underestimated. Focus on your priorities and everything will be fine. Give it a try and be patient preparing yourself for a very successful future.

I guess the answer is yes. We can live a normal life and enjoy a good and stress-free living without giving up on our desires.

Just set your priorities straight.



Isn’t it nice to have a person interested in becoming part of your life while waiting for your response, and playing the game of love with kindness, patience and respect?

I think that the best medicine to keep having a good life is to make sure romance is not missing from our lifestyle. Romance is the best way to make our lives more enjoyable and motivated.

Idealistic quality, yes, that would be the perfect meaning of romance. And having a romantic relationship is amazing. It is a wonderful expression that can only be for good. Romance is needed to become more creative and joyful.

It does not matter the endurance of a state, but the experience of a special relationship. I think that the most important thing is to focus on the basics and enjoy the moments.

Romance is civilization, it is the natural evolution of our desire, and if used properly, we will be able to overcome the difficulties we have to meet in our lives every day.

Unfortunately, we spend a lot of time dealing with millions of other things and we keep losing our lives ignoring all those that are really essential to offer us a true life based on pure love.

Is there still time to become familiar with a special life, the one that we are supposed to live?

I am sure that if there was an application named “romance” we would all have it downloaded, and we would do everything needed hidden behind our countless smart devices without having to try and make it work. And, of course, we would not do anything further.

Romance depends on hard work and, honesty, and I do believe that if we won’t change our thoughts we will kill everything that has to do with it.

The main question is whether we want to be different or not.

Are you ready to explore the purest and deepest secrets of someone’s heart?



Let’s start with something everyone knows about,

“Don’t do unto others what you don’t want done unto you” Confucius.

Do not do to others what you do not want to do to you. It is the golden rule, the principle of treating others as you want to be treated.

While it is a short and simple phrase and its meaning seems to be easily understood, unfortunately, there’s something we do wrong and very often it is obvious that it does not work. And we question ourselves, seeking answers that will never be found.

You stole something from someone else, why did you do that? Would you like to be in his position?

You cheated on your partner, would you like to be treated like that?

I guess most of us would answer no to both questions.

The main reason for behaving like that is because of the lack of self-confidence and personal development. I do believe that we could become better human beings and build stronger relationships with each other. But we have to work hard on this and spend more time focusing on ourselves.

Every single person in the world is aware of the weaknesses of his personality, and also knows how to fix the problem.

Time and effort are the key factors to keep moving to the right direction.

Being sincere and not trying to fool yourself with lies is the first step to develop a great and inspiring personality. It takes a lot of time, but definitely worth it because you will discover that you can be another person.

We can do this and become a great team as long as we will never give up.

Every time you run into a critical dilemma just remember this phrase,

“Do not do to others what you do not want to do to you.”




Magic, have you ever wondered about the meaning of this word, and why is it so important to be part of our lives?

Believing in magic can be very helpful for all of us. I think that everyone has come to a point where he expected something for sure, and then, the result turned out to be completely different, surprising everyone who was aware of that fact.

Supernatural effects are rare, but very well welcomed when they take place in a difficult situation we are going through and help us move to the right direction.

When we take everything for granted, we start losing the taste of life and that’s when magic appears to change the world we are all in.

Magic is the key to success and happiness. Magic is the secret code to make things work in a special way and lead us to a better life.

Through magic we can come closer to freedom and set our minds free to travel to the path of our hearts, making us feel euphoria running in our veins all the time.

Life in our days is hard, and maybe dramatic as well, so I guess magic is what could make our living better and more interesting.

Surprises and unpredictable directions are necessary to get us out of the monotonous living.

Take chances, chase the unexpected, don’t give up on your dreams and get your life back.

And for no reason, do not stop believing in magic.



 Happy New Year!

2021 is already here and the main questions are common for all of us. What do we really want to achieve? What is that little thing that could change our lives and make us happier?

While most of us wish to getting the same things, (and we are very well aware of the fact that we have to work very hard to get them), we shouldn’t ignore to be honest with ourselves, and during the process of setting goals, we should be realistic and make sure that these goals are attainable.

It would be nice if we would write down what we can achieve in a year and checking out our list as often as possible because this could be very useful and helpful.

Setting goals is very important since it is a great method to ensure that the time that passes by can change us, and with the right decisions we can evolve and become better in… everything.

I hope you enjoyed the most wonderful holiday season.

Wish You All the Best!


Happy New Year!



 Things to do,

Enjoy Yourself

Spend Time with Your family

Go for a Walk (If possible)

Pick a Book to Read

Spend Time with Your Friends

Catch up on Your Favorite TV Series

Hope you all have a wonderful holiday season!