Live Your Life To The Fullest

"Focus on you, satisfy your needs and leave all the nasty thoughts out of your life."




What does family mean to you? Is it the place you feel limitless love covering your heart? Is it the place you feel kindness and support hugging your mind and actions? If not, there is a problem.

In my view, family is supposed to be the safe place where you take the first steps toward a bigger family, the society you are going to get into as a healthy member so as to grow all together in a way where we can all be happy and help each other surpassing every obstacle successfully.

Personally, I am lucky and blessed since I grew up in a family where the house was always and still is a home, and normal love was always there in every step and every move I made. I never missed support and always felt free to follow my dreams.

Unfortunately, there are families where there is nothing normal and make their members feel suffocated while trying to escape far away to find a better place to shelter their souls.

If you are not an adult the only thing you can do is just waiting. Be patient and focus on you. Read as much as you can since knowledge is the key to unlock the doors of your success and be prepared, your time will come very soon. Never forget that every storm will pass, nothing lasts forever.

If you are an adult, take your chance, move on and leave everything behind. Do not let anyone tell you that you can’t or won’t make it on your own. Do not allow to anyone insult your personality, laugh at you and question your abilities.

It might seem and sound strange, but there is no point arguing and dealing with toxic people, just leave and don’t waste your time and energy because there is nothing you can do. Just go away and follow your dreams.

Don’t spend a second explaining and never feel guilty. As long as you always felt lost and weird in a family where everyone is supposed to feel safe, move on and don’t look back.

I believe that miracles do happen and you will get what you deserve.

Life is short and we should be happy.

Protect yourself.

Respect yourself.

And live life.


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